Midweek Meetings

Midweek Meetings are a regular feature of Newbold Community Church activities. The meetings involve Bible Study and Prayer. The aim being to get deeper into God's Word - The Bible and see how it should influence our lives and the way we live.

The meetings are held on weekday evenings (not neccessarily just Wednesday!) or sometimes during the day at Church or at a Church member's home.

Currently we are holding Midweek Meetings as follows:

Day and Time Location Leader
Monday 7.00pm: Spanish Zoom Meeting Marlin & Lorena
Wednesdays 1.30pm: Church Derek McCulloch
Thursdays 8pm: Richard and Jane's home (Norden) Paul Gerrard

If you are interested in attending please see one of the Leaders or the Pastor on Sunday mornings


Prayer Meetings
6.00am Each Friday at Church (that's right 6 o'clock in the morning)
10.00am Each Friday at Church



Periodically as announced we hold:

Small Bible Study Group
10.00am Saturday at Church

Bible Teaching
7.30pm Thursday at Church

Further details from Keith Mason 






Every Sunday 10:30 am

Sunday 6 pm (As announced)

How to find us

Awaiting appointment

Derek McCulloch
Paul Gerrard


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Daily Devotionals


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