Newbold Community Church, Rochdale - Barbecue 17th Sept 2022





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Wow praise Jesus what an afternoon! We were on the Newbold estate in Rochdale with Newbold Community Church who were barbecuing and had tables set out on a green area.
We set up a football match with about 10/15 kids and preached to them beforehand and all of them responded. As we were playing football one of the kids fell and twisted his ankle.
We gathered all the kids around for them to stretch out their hands and pray, the young lad was totally healed and was walking normally.
I then asked him to testify on the mic, he told everyone there that Jesus had healed him!
Then that lead to preaching the gospel again. As we were praying for response, everywhere I looked people were praying also, one Asian lady was stood in front of us weeping as she received Jesus, beautiful moments with Jesus, we went around praying for people afterwards for healing one more lady was delivered, wonderful times with Jesus. Well done to Newbold Church

Wayne Hudson Go and Tell Ministries

17th Sept 2022



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Credit: Yanez Vanina (Photography)





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