On Wednesday evening we put to good use the Swedish Method of Bible study that we
learned the previous week. In our small groups, we spent time looking at the
scriptures: Psalm 91:1-6, Acts 3:1-10, Galatians 5:16-26 and Colossians 3:1-10.
A few observations are noted below:
Psalm 91
After considering Ephesians 6 last week and noticing the spiritual battle we are in, this Psalm re-affirms that we have divine protection from the Almighty and His angels so we needn't be anxious or afraid!
"His faithful promises are your armour and protection." (v4b) That being the case, let us live in the promises of God. How do we keep ourselves in God's promises? By knowing what they are and putting our trust in Him that they will hold true.
Acts 3
The lame man got more than he bargained for! (We often do with God!)
God's impact on his life resulted in great praise ... and astonishment for those witnessing his miracle. It was at the point where the lame man, as well as Peter, exercised his faith in taking Peter's hand and attempting to get up that he was 'instantly healed'
Galatians & Colossians
The Spirit and the sinful nature are opposites in terms of both desires and actions that result; they confront and contradict each other all the time!
We must choose to be guided by the Holy Spirit.
The passions and desires of the sinful nature are best (and only) dealt with by being nailed to the cross of Christ. What follows is life in the Spirit.
If we have this resurrection life by the Spirit, this must be where our focus is.
"Put on your new nature, and be re-newed as you learn to know your Creator and become like Him." (Colossians 3:10)
Andy McCulloch