On Wednesday evenings we are looking at the importance of regularly reading the Bible. In both the Old Testament and the New, God's people are often reminded to read, learn and study the Word of God. In 2 Timothy 3:14-17, we read that the scriptures make us wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus, as well as being useful for "teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness" so that we may be equipped for "every good work".
Many Christians set aside a special time, or 'quiet time', each day to read the Bible and pray. It might involve listening to worship music, praying, reading a passage of scripture, making notes in a journal, etc. Some people find using a daily devotional (such as 'The Word for Today') helpful, or set themselves a goal such as reading a particular book several times, or reading the whole Bible in a year.
It can sometimes be difficult to find this daily space to read and pray. So often we struggle with sin and with our own human nature, and good habits take time to form and need discipline! However, when we consider how amazing it is that our Saviour God, the creator and redeemer, has given us his own word, written down for us to read and easily available, then it does put our difficulties into perspective. If you are finding it hard to establish a good routine of reading your Bible and spending time with God, take your weakness to him in prayer and allow him to give you his strength.
Think back over the past six months. What has helped and what has hindered you in your prayer and Bible reading habits? How might your difficulties be overcome? How has reading God's word affected you? What have you learned and how have you changed?
Becky White